• Monday - Saturday: 9:00am to 8:30pm
    Sunday: 9.00am to 1.30pm

Scaling and Polishing

Scaling and Polishing

Don't be tensed, as this is a wonderful task at your dental clinic to present you with the treatment that really benefits your oral health. Basically, when an experienced dentist does a regular cleaning known as prophylaxis, they are performing the task of removing the tartar and the buildup of calculus on the teeth. The part that is visible to your eye is the part that is cleaned, which is above the gum line. The left-over plaque and tartar on the teeth present the right conditions for the bacteria to flourish and cause damage.

Requires professional service to present oral hygiene

The bacteria settled on the gum may cause bleeding easily which you may notice while brushing teeth. Well, this stage of the gum disease is referred as gingivitis, which your dentist will perform scaling and polishing process and recommends antiseptic mouthwash containing chlorhexidine. If the situation is not treated, then later nothing can be performed to control the situation as right treatment at the right time is suggested to be health orally.


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